Things to do and places to visit in  Old Town, Edinburgh

Things to do and places to visit in Old Town, Edinburgh

St. Giles' Cathedral

St. Giles' Cathedral stands majestically in the heart of Edinburgh, a true testament to the city's rich history and architectural prowess. Its imposing Gothic facade, adorned with intricate sculptures and stained-glass windows, captivates visitors from the moment they lay eyes on it. Step inside, and you are instantly transported to a world of awe-inspiring beauty and spiritual tranquility.

Upon entering the cathedral, one is enveloped by an ambiance of serenity and reverence. The grandeur of the interior is simply breathtaking, with its high arched ceilings and meticulously carved stone details. The soft glow of sunlight filtering through the stained glass casts a mesmerizing kaleidoscope of colors, creating an ethereal ambiance that seems to transcend time itself. As you walk through the nave, your eyes are drawn to the magnificent organ, standing proudly as if to lead the celestial choir. The atmosphere is one of reverence and awe, offering a sanctuary for quiet contemplation amidst the bustling city outside. St. Giles' Cathedral truly is a living testament to Edinburgh's rich spiritual and cultural heritage.

St. Giles' Cathedral

Palace of Holyroodhouse

Nestled at the end of Edinburgh's Royal Mile, the Palace of Holyroodhouse stands as a symbol of regal grandeur and historic significance. With its striking stone facade and majestic turrets, the palace commands attention and draws visitors from all corners of the globe. Once the residence of monarchs and the site of significant political events, this iconic landmark offers a captivating glimpse into Scotland's rich and turbulent past.

As you step through the palace gates, you are immediately enveloped in an atmosphere of elegance and prestige. The opulent interiors, adorned with intricate tapestries, ornate chandeliers, and plush furnishings, transport you back in time to an era of royal splendor. Each room tells a story, revealing the lives and legacy of the kings and queens who once called this place home. From the historic chambers of Mary, Queen of Scots to the lavish State Apartments used by current members of the British royal family, the Palace of Holyroodhouse is a captivating journey through centuries of Scottish history.

Palace of Holyroodhouse

Camera Obscura and World of Illusions

Perched on top of the historic Royal Mile is the enchanting attraction known as Camera Obscura and World of Illusions. Captivating the imagination of visitors young and old, this unique destination offers a delightful blend of optical illusions, mind-bending exhibits, and interactive experiences.

Upon entering the Camera Obscura building, prepare to be transported to a mesmerizing world where reality and illusion effortlessly dance together. As you venture through each floor, you'll encounter a plethora of fascinating displays that challenge your perception of the world around you. From the mirror maze that tricks the mind into seeing endless reflections, to the vortex tunnel that leaves you feeling a delightful sense of disorientation, every turn reveals an awe-inspiring surprise waiting to be discovered. Whether you choose to unravel the mysteries of the Ames Room, where scale and perspective deceive the eye, or immerse yourself in the vivid colors of the light show, the art of illusion comes alive at Camera Obscura and World of Illusions.

Camera Obscura and World of Illusions

The Real Mary King's Close

The winding, narrow passageways of The Real Mary King's Close offer a glimpse into the hidden history and dark secrets of Edinburgh's past. As you descend into this underground world, the dimly lit streets transport you back in time, to an era when disease, poverty, and superstition ruled the streets above. The eerie ambiance and authentic setting make it easy to imagine the lives of the people who once called these cramped quarters home. With each step, you can almost hear the echo of footsteps and whispered conversations from centuries ago, as if the ghosts of the past still linger in these ancient walls.

The guides, dressed in period costumes, skillfully weave tales of plague, crime, and the everyday struggles faced by the inhabitants of the close. Their passionate storytelling brings the history to life, immersing visitors in the sights, sounds, and smells of 17th-century Edinburgh. From the stories of Mary King herself, a prominent merchant who lived here, to the tragedies and triumphs of the ordinary people who dwelled within these confined spaces, The Real Mary King's Close offers a unique and captivating glimpse into the darker side of Edinburgh's rich heritage.

The Real Mary King's Close